TopDog Blog
The Ultimate Fix for Hard or Clumpy Pre-Workout...
Dave EWe've all had problems with our pre-workout supplement turning hard or clumpy before...but you can fix it!
Want to Be Lean and Healthy? Eat Superfoods
Dave EThe term ‘superfood’ has grown in popularity over the last few years, but what exactly makes a food a superfood? On the one hand, some apply the term superfood to...
Get Dense: Big Back Workout 101
Aperitive CollaboratorBig Back Workout 101 Your back might be ripped to shreds, but if it's missing that dense muscle mass, you won't perform as well as you want to. Add some...
The Ultimate Chest Workout
Dave EIf you want big, full, strong, “armor-plate” pecs that pop, then you want to do these chest exercises and workouts. Biceps and chest. The two workouts that guys never miss…and the two muscle...
Get Ripped and Start Building Real Muscle with ...
Dave EGET RIPPED FAST AND START BUILDING LEAN MUSCLE This blog is meant to answer those commonly asked questions we get about how to get lean and ripped fast. While there...